Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Summer 2 Learning

Can I Become a Writer?

Last term we learnt all about stories. This term is very exciting. We are going to learn all about becoming a writer!

We learn to make a variety of marks (including letter shapes) in different media, hold a pencil with a tripod grip and increasing control, and to hear sounds in words. 

We learn about the author Eric Carle and enjoy reading some of his stories. We read the story of 'Norman the Snail'. We explore 'fast' and 'slow' and have lots of fun racing snails! We use our pencils to make curly, whirly patterns (using anti-clockwise movements) as we look carefully at the snail shells. 


Then we explore the story of 'The Busy Spider'. We make webs using top to bottom movements in lots of ways, with string and on biscuits, for example. The 'Hungry Caterpillar' is next! We play 'Silly Soup' listening carefully to the sounds in words of all the foods the caterpillar eats. The children tell the story to a grown-up, and they record their ideas onto a story map for them. 


We have fun with the story 'Superworm'. Superworm is very clever! He has adventures and can make letter shapes with his body. The children spot the letter shapes they know from their name and even link the sounds they have been learning to the letter shapes they can see. We then explore making letter shapes in lots of different ways! We want to be like Superworm and have strong muscles ready to write. 


Finally, to finish our amazing Nursery learning we get read for school with lots of exciting activities! We listen to the story of 'The Wonderful Things You Will Be!' to celebrate all our accomplishments in Nursery with a Graduation Ceremony; as well as talking about all the things we would like to do when we grow up! 

We have learnt to make marks in different ways, hold a pencil with increasing control, tell stories and write letter shapes, linking some sounds to letters! Superstars!