Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Spring 2 Learning

Here is the Knowledge Organiser to show what we are learning to know and remember for our themed learning this half term (see the attachment at the bottom to download this):

Spring 2

Spring 2 (2)


What Changes Can I See?

In the Spring Term we learn about change. Lots of things can change.

We learn to talk about changes we can see, hear and feel using our senses to explore.  We show what we have learnt using a range of media and materials. 

We begin our learning with the story of 'Elmer'.  Elmer changes colour. He changes from all the colours of the rainbow to grey. He learns to be proud to be different as the rain washes the grey away and shows all his beautiful colours again. The children explore colours and colour mixing and have lots of fun creating new colours and make their own Elmer's with all the colours they have made. 


Then the children listen to the story of 'The Blue Balloon'. The balloon changes shape, getting bigger, and bigger, and changes colour, it's a very magical balloon! At the end of the story the Balloon is rainbow-coloured just like Elmer! The children have lots of fun exploring changes in the weather, and learn how the weather makes rainbows. 

Blue Balloon

Just like the blue balloon, we are getting bigger. We are growing and changing as we get older.  We read the story of 'Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes'. We think about what we could do when we were babies and how we have changed. We celebrate all the things we can do now we are Three and Four.  The children enjoy sharing their baby photos, guessing which baby photo belongs to their Nursery Teachers, role-playing in the Baby Clinic and meeting a real baby in the Nursery.

Ten fingers

We learn about the story of 'Titch' next. Titch has a big brother and a big sister, he is the smallest in the family and really wants to be big like his big brother and sister. The children learn to compare 'big' and 'little'. Titch finds a tiny seed that is even smaller than him. He plants it, and it grows even bigger than all of them. We plant seeds in Nursery and are very excited to watch them change and grow! 

Finally, the children notice changes to the Nursery garden. Daffodils and blossoms grow. Signs of spring are everywhere. They enjoy listening to stories like 'Ten Tiny Tadpoles' as they learn about the changes that happen during spring time. They learn all about new life. 

By the end of the theme we have learnt to talk about changes we can see, hear and feel using our senses to explore.  We become excellent at sharing our thinking through talking, mark making and using a range of media.