Cirrus Primary Academy Trust
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Pupil Premium Information

Pupil Premium Funding is allocated by local authorities, or the DfE, to schools and academies with pupils between the Foundation Stage and Year 6, on roll in January of each year, that are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years. 

Each of these pupils has attracted an amount of money for each financial year since they have been registered.  This amount has changed significantly over the past few years.  For details relating to current and previous designated amounts, and other recent information related to Pupil Premium, please use the link below.

Schools have the freedom to spend the premium, which is additional to their underlying budget, in a way they think will best support raising achievement of funded pupils in comparison with their non-Pupil Premium peers within the school and nationally, whatever their academic starting point and potential.


In order to ensure that any children eligible for Pupil Premium are identified, the school will communicate regularly with parents/carers to request they apply for the additional funding as it is not something schools are able to do themselves.  The process of applying for this funding differs across boroughs and is regularly reviewed and adapted.  For the latest information on how to apply for the funding for Sutton residents, please follow the link below:


The Inclusion Leader, Senior Leadership Team and Local Committee of governors consider evidence from a variety of sources, including: school’s own data, external evaluative material such as the Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit, OFSTED Case Studies and visits to other settings, when choosing which of the following approaches or interventions will be appropriate for a particular group of Pupil Premium students, or an individual student.  Some examples of provisional arrangements are listed below, but this list is not exhaustive:

  • Additional Booster Groups and Interventions led by Teaching Assistants.

  • Additional small group teaching from senior leaders and other teachers.

  • Additional cover for Class Teachers to allow more individualised planning for pupils.

  • Financial support, where appropriate, for extracurricular activities/residential trips.

  • Contribution towards employing Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA) and Family Support Worker (FSW) who run regular interventions for many pupils and families including those in receipt of Pupil Premium.

  • Contributions to inspiring workshops.

  • Additional curriculum resources

  • Free School Milk for pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium.

  • Individual adaptations to learning environments/arrangements.

  • Training courses for staff responsible for allocating, implementing or reviewing provision.