Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Half Termly Themes

Each year group has one theme per half term, with the exception of Reception who in the first half of Autumn Term have three themes. This reflects transition into school where it is more appropriate to have three shorter themes. If you click on the theme titles below you will see that each theme comprises of objectives taught under each curriculum subject area. Themes have different 'drivers' for example, Off With Her Head is a History driven topic and Stargazers is a Science driven topic. We ensure that there is the appropriate coverage and progression of objectives across key stages/phases and subjects in accordance with the National Curriculum. 

Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2


Can I Make a New Friend?

What Can I Celebrate? How Can I Make Patterns? What Changes Can I See? Can I Tell You a Story? Can I Become a Writer?

Don't Eat the Teacher

Pirates Ahoy!

Where Does Our Food Come From?

Did Dragons Exist? Can Penguins Live in Hot Places? Are Eggs Alive? Can I Be an Author? Do You Like to Be Beside The Seaside?
Y1 Memory Box Bright Lights, Big City Moon Zoom! Dinosaur Planet The Enchanted Woodland Superheroes
Y2 Street Detectives Towers, Tunnels & Turreys Land Ahoy! Muck, Mess & Mixtures Wiggle & Crawl The Scented Garden
Y3 Gods & Mortals Forceful Pharaohs Tremors Scrumdiddly-umptious! Running Rivers Tribal Tales
Y4 I am Warrior Potions Road Trip USA! Traders and Raiders Burps, Bottoms and Bile Blue Abyss
Y5 Scream Machine Off with Her Head Stargazers Beast Creator France (Fallen Fields) World at Work
Y6 A Child's War Frozen Kingdom Revolution Darwin's Delights Voices in the Park & Blood Heart Hola Mexico!