Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Meet our Local Committee Members

Louise Wood - Headteacher

Louise is currently the Headteacher at Barrow Hedges Primary School.

Melissa Williams - Chair of Governors and Deputy Safeguarding Link Governor

MWI was appointed Parent Governor in late 2020, having been on the Barrow Hedges PTFA for 6 years and serving as class representative for both my children, the eldest of which has now left the school.

I currently work for an Academy Trust in Governance as well as chairing the Patient Participation Group of my GP surgery and managing a local rugby team. In my spare time I enjoy running, cooking and reading. 

I enjoy working with the Local Committee in helping make Barrow Hedges as safe and enjoyable a learning environment as possible for both children and staff, and am passionate about ensuring all members of the wider school community are engaged and included on as many activities and events as possible. 

Term of Office: 4th December 2024 - 3rd December 2028

Andrea Todd - Inclusion, SEN & Pupil Premium Link Governor

AtI was appointed as parent governor in December 2020, having been part of the Barrow Hedges community since 2015 when my son joined the nursery. The years are going quickly as my son and daughter move through the school.

After spending a few years working for a medical PR firm, I trained to be a teacher and have now spent 20 years teaching science, predominantly Biology, to local secondary school students. In more recent years, I have taken on the role of Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for teaching and learning. I love the diversity of working in a school, no two days are the same,and working with children and young adults keeps me on my toes and young at heart.

In my spare time I enjoy the great outdoors – running, walking, gardening or exploring new environments with my kids.

Nidhi Misri - Vice Chair of Governors, Health & Safety

NmNidhi is a governance professional and has spent the last few years leading on risk management and governance within key Government Department, including Cabinet Office and the Department for Exiting the European Union. Currently working in Cabinet Office as Head of Governance, within Transition Taskforce.

Born and raised in Sutton, Nidhi is passionate about her supporting the community and is happy for the opportunity to use her skills and experience to encourage, and support in planning of the strategic direction of the school.

Srinivasan Lyengar - Physical Learning Environment

SlI am an engineering and business management (MBA) graduate having 20 years of experience in software product development in telecom, aviation areas and financial services sector with focus on risk management, solution delivery, governance and regulatory engagement.  


I live locally with my wife and two young children. 


Shahid Chowdhury - Finance Link Governor

ScI retired recently and I always wanted to do voluntary work in the education sector and as such have joined Barrow Hedges Primary school as a co-opted governor.

I am a qualified actuary and worked for a large consulting firm for over 35 years. I worked primarily in the pensions fields and mainly worked in advising and providing consultancy and services to large corporate clients. I joined my firm when computers where just getting introduced and I headed up the team responsible for in implementing Actuarial, Pensions and Financial systems.

With my experience and knowledge of Maths, Finance, Management , Risk and Data Analysis, I feel that I can contribute positively, working with the Governors board, towards making Barrow Hedges school as effective a learning environment as possible. Specifically with my background in Maths and Science, I would like to be able to influence/inspire all students to be proficient (if not excel) in Maths and the STEM subjects.

I like travelling, reading and hiking. I play table tennis regularly at the local league level. I used to play Bridge and Chess at University and will get back to them now that I have a bit more time on my hand.

Claire McGrath (Parent Governor) - Wellbeing and Behaviour 

Newly appointed as Parent Governor - awaiting blurb.

Jon Almond (Parent Governor) - Curriculum and Teaching and Learning

J AlmondWe are relatively new to the Barrow Hedges Family. Our son started Reception in 2023 and our daughter stared Nursery in 2024. We have been blown away by how welcoming the school is and our children are having a great time learning, growing and making friends.

My professional journey has allowed me to lead large multicultural teams through complex transformative change across Africa, the Middle East, Australia and the UK. I am now a tech startup founder working in the fintech space.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute towards Barrow Hedges continued success.

Term of Office: 5th December 2024 - 4th December 2028

Michelle Rondeau - Staff Governor

MrI joined Barrow Hedges in September 2020 and lead Inclusion and Safeguarding across the school. Before joining Barrow Hedges, I worked at another Cirrus Trust School, where I was one of the Assistant Headteachers and this role included being the school SENCO and Pupil Premium Lead. In 2019, I completed a Masters in Education (Leadership and Management), and in 2020 I completed the National Award for Special Education Needs Coordinators. I feel extremely lucky to be supported by an experienced and dedicated inclusion team, who continuously support each other and the school community every day.

Term of Office: 23rd November 2020 - 22nd November 2028

Kate Duncan

KdI joined Barrow Hedges as a Newly Qualified Teacher in September 2009, spending two years as a Year 4 teacher and then five years in Year 6. Since September 2014, I have been a been a member of the Senior Leadership Team and in 2017 I became a non class-based Deputy Headteacher, leading on Behaviour and Assessment across the school. I am also a KS2 Writing Moderator for the local authority. I am extremely proud of the quality of education we provide the children with at Barrow Hedges and feel very lucky that my own child attends our lovely school.