Cirrus Primary Academy Trust
Second photo day 3

Physical Education (PE)

Our Physical Education curriculum aims to develop physical co-ordination, strength, agility, balance, mobility and skills that extend competency within individual activities and across a variety of team sports.  Our curriculum is based on ‘Mastery’ learning - teaching skills, practising and then, once mastered, being able to apply them to a wide range of physical activities. 

We also promote a healthy and active lifestyle and values through our PE curriculum, after schools activities and through programmes such as the Daily Mile.  We aim for all our children to leave Barrow Hedges with the skills, knowledge and understanding to go on and lead active lifestyles.

The planned activities encourage children to make progress in all areas of their physical development.  This begins in EYFS where children are taught the basic skills, developing into Upper KS2 where children have opportunities to develop team and competitive skills. 

Physical Education (PE) lessons are delivered by Class Teachers and by specialist coaches.

Sainsbury's School Games Mark

Our successes are not exclusively based on our team achievements but also the number of competitive opportunities available to our KS2 children.  We were awarded the Sainsbury's School Games Platinum Award in 2021/22 for a commitment to the development of competition across schools and into the community. We’re incredibly proud to be one of only two primary schools in Sutton to hold this award.  

The School Games is funded by the Department of Health, Department for Education, Youth Sport Trust and Sport England – all constantly discussing the best way forward for School sport.  The award is OFSTED recognised and shows how sport has a positive impact!  

The Daily Mile

In Spring 2019 we had our Daily Mile track installed in the Junior playground.  The track is a fantastic addition to our outdoor space.  The Daily Mile is proven to reduce stress and anxiety, promote happiness as well as build resilience, confidence and determination for all staff and pupils.  Since we started The Daily Mile we have seen a big increase in the fitness of our pupils, who are more energised when they come back into the classroom.

Twitter Page

For more information, daily updates and sporting links you can keep up to date by following our Twitter page @barrowhedgepe

PE Long Term Plan

PE Learning Journey

Mr L Buckingham and Miss E Powell are the Subject Leaders for PE


A range of skills is taught through skill-based lessons and are then applied to competitive games including netball, football, hockey, rugby, tennis cricket and rounders.   Athletics is also taught to develop both track and field skills.  Outdoor activities are taught through orienteering and OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities) both in school and on residential trips.  As part of the National Curriculum children in Year 3 and 4 also have weekly swimming lessons for one term.  Central to these activities is the promotion of positive attitudes in the form values as well as self-confidence, self-discipline and appropriate behaviour matched to the activity, a sense of fair play and social and moral responsibility.

Emphasis is put on the enjoyment derived from doing one’s best, improving skills, becoming healthier and fitter and encountering challenge of new activities and experiences.  There are also opportunities for children to represent the school in a number of different sports.  Children in Year 6 can also develop leadership skills in lessons and by becoming a PE Leader (Horis HIPPO).

Gymnastics, Dance and Yoga


In accordance with the National Curriculum guidelines, our aims are to develop body-awareness, physical coordination, agility and a wide variety of skills, which can be applied to small or large indoor apparatus, floor work and games.  

Our gymnastic scheme is a combination of floor and apparatus work, enabling the children to develop key fundamental skills. 


Our dance curriculum is a combination of taught programmes and the expression of feelings through movement. We believe dance is a great way for children to express themselves, understand emotions and enjoy movement. 

Our curriculum is taught by class teachers and dance specialists which helps to promote high levels of skill acquisition during each learning journey. 

Each year, our Year 6 children participate in ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ lessons, where they learn a range of traditional ballroom and Latin dances across a term. This project builds towards a finale showcase which is attended by staff and parents. 

OFSTED February 2015 – ‘the expertise of the specialist dance instructor helped pupils to learn the basic steps of the tango.’ 


In addition to gymnastics and dance, children across the school participate in yoga sessions. These sessions are planned to encourage flexibility, balance and strengthening of muscles as well as promoting relaxation and improving concentration.   


In accordance with the National Curriculum, children complete a programme of swimming spanning across two terms- the summer term of Year 3 and the autumn term of Year 4. Children travel by coach to Westcroft Leisure Centre. As swimming is part of the National Curriculum, swimming lessons are funded by the school, but we ask for a contribution from parents to pay for the transport to and from the leisure centre. The summer holidays between the two terms of swimming are an ideal time for children to be encouraged to do plenty of swimming as this is a great age for children to really develop these skills.

Lessons are designed to promote water safety, competence in the water and stroke technique. Children are also given the opportunity to represent Barrow Hedges at the Primary School Swimming Gala.

Swimming Data

Year 6 2023-2024 Data

National Curriculum 2014 Standard Percentage
How many pupils within your Y6 cohort can swim competently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?                        78%*                                                       
How many pupils within your cohort can use a range of strokes effectively? 70%*
How many pupils within your Y6 cohort can perform a safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? 54%*

Children who do not meet the National Curriculum 25 metre by the end of KS2, are offered additional top-up swimming lessons.