Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Waves of Provision

At Barrow Hedges, we support children in a variety of ways and we use the 'waves of provision' approach to ensuring each child receives support at the level they need:

Waves of Inclusion

Wave 1 Provision describes quality inclusive teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all the children in the classroom. Before any additional provision is planned, class teachers consider what is already available to all pupils through differentiated work and an inclusive learning environment. We have found that the more inclusive the classroom, the less the need for additional provision.

Wave 2 Provision describes specific, additional support and interventions provided for some children who need help to accelerate their progress to enable them to work at or above age-related expectations.  Programmes such as ‘Social Groups’ or ‘Maths Booster Groups’ would be regarded as Wave 2 interventions.

Wave 3 Provision describes targeted provision for children where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential. This may include one-to-one or specialist interventions. Many of these interventions and directed support will be designed based on recommendations from external specialist agencies.


Key Wave One Provision Strategies Adopted at Barrow Hedges Primary School

Learning Environment

Teaching and Learning


Adult Support

Teaching Strategies

Environment must include accessible tools to support all children.  This may require displays to incorporate visual representations of key vocabulary etc.

All pupils must be provided with opportunities to contribute to the learning environment.


A whole class visual timetable is displayed in each classroom

A range of recording work are used (Flip cameras, photographs, voice recorders etc.).

Pupil seating is purposeful and according to pupil’s needs. Pupils should contribute to seating decisions.

Groups should change as often as possible so that all children are able to learn with different children.

Time is allocated to develop and produce targets for all children.


Marking and other forms of assessment are suitable for the learner, as well as the activity.

Visual and tangible resources are used in all lessons.

Quality modelling for all children (the conduction of modelling may look different for different children but all must have access to it).

Instructions must be accessible to all learners.


Computing is exploited across the curriculum and children have access to this type of resource as often as required.

Teachers plan time to spend with every child in their class.  This can be achieved by swapping roles with TAs at times (i.e TA take the whole class for a short activity while the teacher works with one child or a small group).

All adults are aware of and support the class objectives and individual pupil targets.

Constant dialogue between teachers and teaching assistants provides effective AFL for all children.


All adults should model excellent standards of behaviour and attitude to lessons.

Buddying is used effectively to support pupil participation and progress.

Children should be taught the skills of collaborative learning (turn taking, contributing ideas, making predictions, adopting roles, negotiating disagreements).

Universal routine strategies are employed that suit all learners (i.e. a bell being rung to pause lesson is only appropriate if it is suitable for all learners).

Signalong (at least the key signs) should be universally understood and used throughout the school by all adults.  It is also useful for all children to rehearse the signs.