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We're thrilled to confirm that our Ofsted report has been published - Outstanding in all areas!

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We are thrilled to confirm that we have been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark. Go to our Inclusion page to read our report.

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We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Quality Mark Gold for History following an assessment carried out by the Historical Association on 7th February 2023.

Barrow Hedges Primary School

Positive Reinforcement and Awards

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Positive Reinforcement and Awards

Children are given praise on an individual and group basis through: 

  • Non-verbal (smiles, thumbs up, etc) and verbal praise 

  • Positive and constructive feedback on work  

  • Barney Awards Celebrated in a weekly assembly, these focus on positive behaviours for learning, such as where children show resilience or for displaying our values to a degree that is worthy of special praise. These are often linked to a whole school positive behaviour focus as shared in Monday assemblies. The Barney Award certificates are sent home on a Friday to be shared with parents/carers.  

  • Stickers Given out by teachers and teaching assistants for effort with work and behaviour and achievement in work. Taken home to be shared with parents/carers. 

  • Marble Jar All classes in KS1 & 2 work towards a negotiated ‘treat’ by earning marbles for times when the whole class has behaved or worked appropriately. Marbles are rewarded for positive behaviour and not removed as a consequence for poor behaviour choices. 

  • Good News Postcards Staff send home 2/3 postcards a week to celebrate children who make consistently positive behaviour choices or who show excellent effort in a piece of work. 

  • Smile Station In EYFS, when children are displaying positive behaviours, a picture of their face is moved to the smile station to publicly celebrate their success. There is no sad face equivalent as we do not publicly shame children.  

  • Reward Points Each child in Key Stage 1 & 2 is allocated to one of the six Houses: Snowdon, Vesuvius, Colombier, Maramokotro, Gunnbjørn and Denali. Reward Points are given out by adults for achievement in work or displaying positive behaviour. These Reward Points are collected on the child’s personal Reward Point Chart. Once a child achieves 25 points they earn their bronze award, 50 points a silver award, 75 points achieves a gold award and 100 points achieves a Headteacher’s Award. On receipt of each award, parents are notified of their child’s success as each award certificate is sent home once children receive it in assembly. These Reward Points also contribute to the child’s House. Children add their reward points to a whole class house tally sheet. On a weekly basis, House Captains collect the totals from each class and the house with the most points at the end of each half term are announced in a Whole School Assembly. The winning house has their house colour tied to the cup which is then displayed until the next half termly winner is announced. Each house works towards being the overall winner each year. This system ensures children feel a sense of personal pride and recognition while also contributing to a sense of community and team spirit.  


Core Values 

The school regularly explores its values with the children, for example, through assemblies and PSHE lessons, as part of our focus on modelling what good behaviour looks like. 

Class Charters  

Each class discuss how they want their classroom to feel at the start of each academic year. Together with the class teacher, they consider the importance of our school values and rules in ensuring the classroom can feel this way.  


There are a number of roles within school where children are given responsibility: class monitors, sports leaders (HIPPOS), Restorative Peer Mentors, as well as classmate-elected roles such as School Council members and House- and Vice-Prefects (Year 6). These roles actively encourage children to be positive role models.  


We strongly believe that the curriculum plays a very important part in the positive approach towards behaviour management. A stimulating and enjoyable curriculum, with well planned, interesting and challenging activities promotes independence and good choice making. We encourage systems and routines to keep well-ordered classrooms.