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We're thrilled to confirm that our Ofsted report has been published - Outstanding in all areas!

Stop Press!

We are thrilled to confirm that we have been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark. Go to our Inclusion page to read our report.

Stop Press!

We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Quality Mark Gold for History following an assessment carried out by the Historical Association on 7th February 2023.

Barrow Hedges Primary School

Annual Survey Results

In this section...

Our last parent/carer survey was conducted in the Spring Term 2023. The survey was open for parents to complete until 15th May 2023 and we received 196 responses.  The results are shown below. Note that 1 parent response represents 0.51%.

My child is happy at Barrow Hedges - 98.5% of parents/carers agree.

My child feels safe at Barrow Hedges - 99% of parents/carers agree.

The school supports my child's wellbeing - 99% of parents/carers agree.

My child is taught well at Barrow Hedges - 98% of parents/carers agree.

My school helps me to support my child's learning - 96.4% of parents/carers agree.

My child makes good progress at this school - 95.9% of parents/carers agree.

The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved - 96.4% of parents/carers agree.

The school deals effectively with bullying - 60.7% of parents/carers agree and 37.2% say that they do not know, indicating that they have not experienced this.

The school responds well to any other concern or question I raise - 97.4% of parents/carers agree.

I receive valuable information from the school - 97.4% of parents/carers agree.

The school is well led and managed - 98% of parents/carers agree.

Would you recommend another school to another parent? 96.4% of parents/carers said 'yes'

Parents have always been highly supportive of the school, but many of the comments received in this survey exemplify how we have continued to improve the school. For example, when asked what they like best/want to keep about Barrow Hedges some parents responded:

"I love the level of pride staff and children take in the school." 

"The school keeps the children engaged with loads of educational activities." 

"All staff work so hard to support our children to be the best they can be in all aspects of life. "

"Tapestry is fantastic for seeing what the children are learning and as a homework platform."

"The staff are incredible and we have recommended the school to so many parents."

"Very well designed curriculum."

"Many if not most members of staff truly inspire the minds of our future.  It is clear that they want the children to become successful, confident individuals with compassion in their hearts."

"The curriculum is interesting and exciting for the children."

"The early years is exceptional."

"The extracurricular activities are great and not often experienced at other locals schools.  The additional workshops to add to the learning has also been great."

"It's a fun school where teachers go the extra mile to keep children happy and improve the overall learning experience."

"Teachers are very dedicated and seem to know the children well. They know their potential and encourage them to be better.  Teachers also provided us good examples and guidance on how we can help our child." 

Click here to access the results of Ofsted's Parent View surveys.