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We're thrilled to confirm that our Ofsted report has been published - Outstanding in all areas!

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We are thrilled to confirm that we have been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark. Go to our Inclusion page to read our report.

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We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Quality Mark Gold for History following an assessment carried out by the Historical Association on 7th February 2023.

Barrow Hedges Primary School

Sports Funding

In this section...

Children at Barrow Hedges Primary School benefit hugely from the Primary School PE and Sport Premium.  We aim to develop and improve our PE curriculum through the use of the funding, as well as ensuring that the improvements made are sustainable and available to pupils for years to come.

Ofsted (February 2015) stated: “The primary sport and physical education funding is used effectively to buy in specialist coaches who teach some lessons and help to improve the skills of class teachers. This is helping pupils’ progress in physical education both now and in the longer term. The school has good relationships with parents.”

The Sports Funding is split into three main areas - Development, Improvement and Sustainability.

Developments include - monitor cross curricular links, visiting coaches and sports companies, continue to promote PE leaders (HIPPOs), provide additional after school opportunities, yoga and mindfullness sessions, transport to competitions, entry to competitions,

Improvements include - new equipment, playground improvements, use of Ipads for peer assessment and taking photos/video clips, EYFS equipment and schemes of work.

This is sustained through continued professional development of staff through team teaching, model lessons, attending courses and working in conjunction with the Sutton School Sports Partnership.  We also have a PE Subject Leader who delivers outstanding PE lessons to all pupils on a rolling programme throughout the academic year.  

On 16th March 2016 the Chancellor announced in the Budget that revenue from the soft drinks industry (Sugar Tax) will be used to double the Primary School PE and Sport Premium from £160 million per year to £320 million per year from September 2017. 

This funding is to be used to help schools support healthier, more active lifestyles; it will also enable primary schools to make further improvements to the quality and breadth of PE and sport they offer.

Sue Wilkinson, afPE's Strategic Lead said:"afPE is delighted to see that the Government is investing in the health and well-being of young people by doubling the funding for the Primary PE & Sport Premium, from September 2017."

"afPE will work to support further improvements in the quality and breadth of physical education and sport."