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We're thrilled to confirm that our Ofsted report has been published - Outstanding in all areas!

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We are thrilled to confirm that we have been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark. Go to our Inclusion page to read our report.

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We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Quality Mark Gold for History following an assessment carried out by the Historical Association on 7th February 2023.

Barrow Hedges Primary School

Gymnastics, Dance and Yoga

In this section...


In accordance with the National Curriculum guidelines, our aims are to develop body-awareness, physical coordination, agility and a wide variety of skills, which can be applied to small or large indoor apparatus, floor work and games.  

Our gymnastic scheme is a combination of floor and apparatus work, enabling the children to develop key fundamental skills. 


Our dance curriculum is a combination of taught programmes and the expression of feelings through movement. We believe dance is a great way for children to express themselves, understand emotions and enjoy movement. 

Our curriculum is taught by class teachers and dance specialists which helps to promote high levels of skill acquisition during each learning journey. 

Each year, our Year 6 children participate in ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ lessons, where they learn a range of traditional ballroom and Latin dances across a term. This project builds towards a finale showcase which is attended by staff and parents. 

OFSTED February 2015 – ‘the expertise of the specialist dance instructor helped pupils to learn the basic steps of the tango.’ 


In addition to gymnastics and dance, children across the school participate in yoga sessions. These sessions are planned to encourage flexibility, balance and strengthening of muscles as well as promoting relaxation and improving concentration.